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我爱你一生一世英语是I love you forever。 一、love: 1、读音:英 [lʌv],美 [lʌv]     2、意思: v. 爱;热爱;喜欢 n. 爱;热爱;爱情;恋爱;喜爱;情人;(网球)零分 3、例句: I love my motherland. 我爱我的祖国。 二、forever: 1、读音:英 [fər'evə(r)],美 [fər'evər]   2、意思:  adv. 永远 3、例句: The lovers promised to be faithful forever. 这对情人互相许诺永不变心。 词义辨析: love,enjoy,like: 这组词表示不同程度的“喜爱”“喜欢”。其区别是: like表示一般意义上的“喜欢”,enjoy带有欣赏性质的“喜欢,喜爱”,且含“享受”之义,而love指炽烈的爱恋,感情比like深刻。例如: Leave whenever you like.随便什么时候离开都可以。 I was learning and enjoying it like any child.我就像任何儿童一样学习着,享受着学习的乐趣。 He can’t love but hate.他只能恨不能爱。



1、一生所爱的英文缩写是:L.F.T.W.L 2、一生所爱的英文原文是:Love for the whole life. 拓展资料 Love for the whole life 1、His heart overflowed with love for the whole human race, but He was never indulgent to their sins. 他的心盈溢著对人类的爱,但他从不宽容他们的罪。 2、If I love a girl, I will love her for the whole of my life and she can never go away. 我要是爱上一个女孩子就会爱她一生一世,她要走也走不了! 3、I love that circuit and, obviously, I would love to race there for the whole year long. 我喜欢那条赛道,当然,任何时候要我在那里比赛我也愿意。 4、There is an amorous moonlight prompting to love-to love not only for an individual but sometimes even for the whole universe. 时有多情的月光唤发爱慕之情&不仅是对个体的偏爱,有时甚至是对宇宙苍生的博爱。 5、I still have tremendous love for the game, the desire to play, and a whole lot left in my tank. I feel strongly that I can still compete at the highest level. 我现在仍然对比赛有着很深的热爱,我渴望上场打球,我仍然有很多心愿没有达成,我一直坚信自己仍然能够打出很好的水平。 6、I love to sing and play guitar for that special lady or have fun with the whole serenade thing 我想要给特别的你弹奏吉他,想要和你一起分享小夜曲