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《i see you》的歌词谁写的?
《i see you》的歌词谁写的?

《i see you》的歌词谁写的?

作词:Katie Sky 作曲:Katie Sky 演唱:Katie Sky 歌词如下: I see your monsters,I see your pain 我看到你心里的野兽,我看到你的痛苦 Tell me your problems,I'll chase them away 告诉我你的麻烦,我会把它们赶走 I'll be your lighthouse,I'll make it okay 我会是你的灯塔,我会保护你 When I see your monsters,I'll stand there so brave and chase them all away 当我看到你内心的野兽,我会勇敢地站出来把它们全部赶走 In the dark we、we、we,stand apart we、we 在黑暗里我们、我们、我们,分开站着我们、我们 never see that the things we need,are staring right at us 永远看不到需要的东西,都在盯着我们 You just want to hide、hide,never show your smile、smile、smile 你只是想逃避、逃避,从不展现你的友好、友好、友好 Stand alone when you need someone,is the hardest thing of all 当你需要陪伴时我旁观,是最困难的事情 that you see,are the bad、bad、bad memories 因为你所想,都是坏、坏、坏的回忆 take your time,you'll find it 别着急,你会找到的 I see your monsters,I see your pain 我看到你心里的野兽,我看到你的痛苦 Tell me your problems,I'll chase them away 告诉我你的麻烦,我会把它们赶走 I'll be your lighthouse,I'll make it okay 我会是你的灯塔,我会保护你 扩展资料 相关明细 这首歌的歌曲时长为3分41秒,于2014年05月11日正式上线,并收录于2014年5月的同名专辑《Monsters》中,该专辑只收录这一首歌曲。 在这首歌中,Katie通过温柔且富有力量的嗓音,向对方传递坚定果敢的信念——不要害怕,因为我一直在你身旁,因此该歌曲一上线就受到了广泛的关注,收获了众多听众的喜爱。

歌词里面有see you see me 那首歌叫什么名字

歌词里面有see you see me 那首歌叫什么名字

Say You say me 说出你自己,说出我自己
say it for always 应该永远是这样
that's the way it should be 本来就该是这样
ay you, say me 说出你自己,说出我自己
say it together, naturally 大家一起来自然地说出来
I had a dream, I had an awesome dream 我做了一个梦,一个可怕的梦
people in the park 人们在露天的公园里
playing games in the dark 却像是在黑暗中带着面具玩着游戏
and what they played was a masquerade 他们玩得那个游戏就是假面舞会
but from behind the walls of doubt 但从猜疑的墙壁后面
voice was crying out 一个声音在大喊——
say you, say me 说出你自己,说出我自己
say it for always 应该永远是这样
that's the way it should be 本来就该是这样
say you, say me 说出你自己,说出我自己
say it together, naturally 大家一起来自然地说出来
as we go down life's lonesome highway 我们现在走在人生寂寞的高速路上
seems the hardest thing to do 似乎在这孤独的生命旅程中
is to find a friend or two 最难的就是找到一两个知己
that helping hand someone who understands 他们理解你并向你伸出援助之手
when you feel you've lost your way 当你感到空虚和迷茫时
you've got someone there to say 他们会在那里对你说
I'll show you oo, oo, oo 我给你指引
say you, say me 说出你自己,说出我自己
say it for always 应该永远是这样
that's the way it should be 本来就该是这样
say you, say me 说出你自己,说出我自己
say it together, naturally 大家一起来自然地说出来
so you think you know the answers 也许你认为你知道了答案
oh no! 不,不
well the whole world's got ya dancing 整个世界正在变得越来越疯狂
that's right I'm telling you 这正是我要告诉你的
it's time to start believing 现在是开始重新建立信任的时候
oh yes! 噢,是的
believe in who you are 相信你自己
you are a shining star...oh 你自己就是一颗闪耀的星
say you, say me 说出你自己,说出我自己
say it for always 应该永远是这样
that's the way it should be 本来就该是这样
say you, say me 说出你自己,说出我自己
say it together, naturally 大家一起来自然地说出来
say it together, naturally 大家一起来自然地说出来

see you again 歌词中文翻译

see you again 歌词中文翻译

see you again 歌词中文翻译 It's been a long day without you my friend 亲爱的朋友 没有你在身边相伴的日子总是如此漫长 And I'll tell you all about it when I see you again 当我们再次重逢时 我有千言万语想对你诉说 We've e a long way from where we began 这趟旅途我们一路走来 并肩共度无数岁月 Oh I'll tell you all about it when I see you again 当我们再次相聚时 要一起补齐这段时间你所留下的空缺 When I see you again 所以我们约好了来日再见 Damn who knew all the planes we flew 该死 谁还记得我们过去曾忙碌奔波于多少地方 Good things we've been through 谁还数得清一起经历了多少美好时光 That I'll be standing right here 此刻我多想站在你面前与你长谈 Talking to you about another path 和你聊著那条过去我们常经过的路 I know we loved to hit the road and laugh 我们总是不顾一切尽情宾士 放肆嬉闹 But something told me that it wouldn't last 但有个声音告诉我 这般快乐的光景终究无法长久 Had to switch up look at things different see the bigger picture 我们必须改变过去看待世界的角度 将眼光放得更长远 Those were the days hard work forever pays now I see you in a better place 艰涩的过去终将苦尽甘来 所以我知道你现在一定在那里过得很好 求Coldplay 的see you soon歌词中文翻译 楼主,您好! 如下是在下的回答:So you lost your trust 如此看来,你失去了你所信任的 And you never should have 而你从未后悔 No,you never should have 不,你从不后悔 But don't break your back 但是不要违背你的诺言 If you ever see this 即便你看到如此 But don't answer that 但不要那么回答 In a bullet proof vest 在防弹背心里 With the windows all closed 所有窗户都关着 I'll be doing my best 我将尽我所能 I'll see you soon 我将很快看见你 In a telescope lens 在望远镜里 And when all you want is friends 当你想要的是朋友时 I'll see you soon 我将很快看见你 So they came for you 如此看来,他们向你到来 They came snapping at your heels 他们来扯你后腿 They e snapping at your heels 他们来扯你后腿 But don't break your back 但不要背弃你的诺言 If you ever see this 即便你看到如此 But don't answer that 但不要那么回答 In a bullet proof vest 在防弹背心里 With the windows all closed 和所有关着的窗户 I'll be doing my best 我将尽我所能 I'll see you soon 我不久后将看到你 In a bullet proof vest 在防弹背心里 With the windows all closed 所有窗户都关着 I'll be doing my best 我将尽我所能 I'll see you soon 我将很快看见你 In a telescope lens 在望远镜里 And when all you want is friends 当你想要的是朋友时 I'll see you soon 我将很快看见你 I'll see you soon 我将很快看见你 I know you lost your trust 我明白你失去了你所信任的 I know you lost your trust 我明白你失去了你所信任的 don't lose your trust 别失去你所信任的 I know you lost your trust 我明白你失去了你所信任的 如果您对在下的回答表示满意的话,请您不要忘记把在下的回答采纳为最佳答案哦! natasha bedingfield 《again》 歌词中文翻译 Inpatible, it don't matter though 水火不容,然而这不重要 'cos someone's bound to hear my cry 因为必定有个人听到我的哭泣 Speak out if you do 若你是那个人就说出来吧 You're not easy to find 你并不容易被找到 Is it possible Mr. Loveable 是真的吗,可爱的先生? Is already in my life? 已经在我生命中吗? Right in front of me Or maybe you're in disguise 正在我面前吗? 或许你在伪装? Who doesn't long for someone to hold 谁不渴望有个人可拥抱? Who knows how to love you without being told 不告诉我,天知道如何去爱你? Somebody tell me why I'm on my own If there's a soulmate for everyone 有人问我 若确有真命天子,为何我仍独自一人? Here we are again, circles never end 人海茫茫又走到一起. 回圈永不休止 How do I find the perfect fit 我怎样找到最理想合适的? There's enough for everyone 对大家来说大概已足够.. But I'm still waiting in line 但我仍在等待着.... Most relationships seem so transitory 大多关系好像都是昙花一现 They're all good 他们都短暂而美丽 but not the permanent one 却并不持久... there you will be歌词中文翻译 when i think back on these times, and the dreams we left behind i'll be glad cause i was blessed to get, to have you in my life when i look back on these days, i'll look and see your face you're right there for me in my dreams i'll always see you soar above the skies in my heart there'll always be a place for you, for all my life i'll keep a part of you with me, and everywhere i am there you'll be and everywhere i am there you'll be well, you showed me how it feels, to feel the sky within my reach and i always will remember all, the strength you gave to me your love made me make it through, oh, i owe so much to you you were right there for me in my dreams i'll always see you soar above the skies in my heart there'll always be a place for you, for all my life 中文翻译: 忆起这段日子 和我们留下的美梦 我觉得很欣慰 能在一生中遇到你 实在是我的福气 每次回望这段日子 我便看得到你的面容 你就在那里守候着我 我常梦见你的灵魂 悠游于蓝天白云之间(或者:我常梦见你的灵魂 悠游于蓝天白云之间) 我这辈子都会在心里 为你留下一个位置 我留住了你心魄一隅 天涯海角有你相依 是你使我明白 触碰到天空的感觉如何 我会铭记你给我的力量 你的深情使我坚强 我该偿还几许爱意 你就在那里守候着我 我常梦见你的灵魂 悠游于蓝天白云之间 我这辈子都会在心里 为你留下一个位置 我留住了你心魄一隅 天涯海角有你相依 从你身上我发现了 我的光明与力量之源 现在我要用尽千方百计 去向你传达满腔谢意 你就在那里守候着我 你就在那里守候着我 一直都在那里 你就在那里守候着我 我常梦见你的灵魂 悠游于蓝天白云之间 我这辈子都会在心里 为你留下一个位置 我留住了你心魄一隅 天涯海角有你相依 张惠妹中文版“排山倒海”歌词 以为断了这份爱 就能笑着醒过来 但不明白你在我心中 地位无可取代 恐惧永远都会在 只能想着你的脸 记取那灿烂 不管结局怎么坏 我会勇敢撑下来 因为你曾给我那么多 在梦里也能取暖 感觉眼泪掉出来 我想的太简单 就难免失败 汪洋之中谁来守候你寂寞的帆 晴空之下谁来垂怜你眼里无声呐喊 爱情只剩一丝呼吸 排山倒海也为你而来 桑田沧海也等你回来 情愿接受命运的无情试探 要像珍珠焕发全新的光彩 我会等着你x2 等着你..... you you you 歌词中文翻译 You, you, you 你,你,你 I'm in love with you, you, you 我爱上了你,你,你 I could be so true, true, true 我可能是真的,真的,真的 To someone like you, you, you 像你这样的人,你,你 Do, do, do 做,做,做什么 What you oughta do, do, do 你需要做什么,做什么,做的 Take me in your arms, please do 请让我在你的怀抱里 Let me cling to you, you, you 让我抓住你,你,你 We were meant for each other 我们注定彼此 Sure as heavens above 确定如上天堂 We were meant for each other 我们注定彼此 To have, to hold and to love ,和爱 You, you, you 你,你,你 There's no one like you, you, you 没有人喜欢你,你,你 You could make my dreams e true 你可以让我的梦想成真 If you say you love me too 如果你说你也爱我 ------ instrumental break ------ - - - - - -工具- - - - - - We were meant for each other 我们注定彼此 Sure as heavens above 确定如上天堂 We were meant for each other 我们注定彼此 To have, to hold and to love ,和爱 You, you, you 你,你,你 There's no one like you, you, you 没有人喜欢你,你,你 You could make my dreams e true 你可以让我的梦想成真 If you'd say you love me too 如果你会说你也爱我 See you again的中文翻译 See you again 再次见到你 求采纳 without you歌词中文翻译 without you 英国著名摇滚乐队Badfinger(坏手指乐队)发行于1970年的一首歌曲,收录在专辑《No Dice》中; 没有你 who you歌词中文翻译 “宝贝我爱你不要这样说 我的心情不知道为什么一点也不好 I want you I need you虽然这样唱着 I don’t know why I feel bad你算什么 祝贺你又和别的男人见面了 好好地在一起吧虽然现在还要劝说 baby 我要是喜欢你的话只是这样而已but总是发脾气baby 你到底算什么 Du du du du du du du du du du du du du oh-oh-oh-oh-oh Baby I miss you为什么总是只想起你不能和别人见面,我不愿意 不管是爱你还是讨厌你都没有区别,直到现在还每天都会搞混 I don’t know why I feel bad你算什么 在我眼前一个劲的晃来晃去,和那个家伙手挽手,不是这样的,开玩笑,耍谁呢? 哦莫?差不多就行了眼线像是在街上开的脏兮兮的一对连翘花 代替我不能给你买的名贵包包和鞋的是眼泪的点点薰染 为什么你很幸福却让我变得不幸,你到底算什么 Du du du du du du du du du du du du du oh-oh-oh-oh-oh Baby I just want you back I want you back I want you back Baby I know it’s too late it just too late it just too late 希望你们吵架,希望你们分手,希望你重新回到我身边一直和我一起 每个小区,每条街道,努力寻找,在路上的她,说最近不太好 难以启齿不好意思的我原来不知道我会这样,你也是一样坏丫头 我会对你更好再交往试试,不会捣乱,拜托回来吧 Baby I hate you Baby I loved you Ma baby hate you Baby love you du du du du du 你算什么?” In love with you歌词中文翻译 亲要的是lovin' you么? 先给你个音译的--、 东方神起 - Lovin’ you Hero: ha no wai ki ni su yi da na la ki mi wa mo wo wo ku no kai lu jiu jiang na ku na lu su kou xi you wu gu li ye lu yi day ki mi wa gou tou ba sa ka xi day lu ~ ~ ~ Xiah: sa yi go ma day yi wa na gu day mo yi you sou no ga o mi ei ba wa ga lu ka la yi zu mo ma qi ya wa sa xi day ta ga yi sai zu ga qi ka zu ku you U-know: oh everyday du ku no tou na lu day wa la a day ta Micky: feel far away mo ni dou tou no yi no ki mi ni a ei na yi nei Hero: lovin you sa na yaei day ta ki mi no tei ga lovin you ha na lay dai you ku lovin you bo ku na tei wo du ku mo li wo lovin you oh bu way day a mo ni Xiah: man mu lay lu tou lay ga a ta ki mi qi wa a li wo wo xi zu kei ta da kei ka na ki mi no kou kou lou ga dou ji day gu sou lay sa ei mo ki zu ka zu ni U-know: oh hard to say na mi you yi ei ba you ka a da da lou o ~ ~ ~ Micky: so far away mo yi ji go ei ga o no ki mi ni xi day hi no ni Hero: lovin you ka zu ma day mo zu zu yi day lu lovin you killme wo yi day da lovin you da wu ma yi mou ka ma la zu ni lovin you ka ga ya ya day dou you Max: a xi da ma da a ei lu mi da yi ni yi zu mou no you o ni hu li mu yi day wo xi ki mi tou hi da so ne su day day o mo yi day ni na lu ma ei ni ~ ~ ~ Hero: lovin you sa na ya ei day ta ki mi no tei ga lovin you ha na lay gan you ku lovin you bo ku lu tei wo ki mi day ki wo lovin you mo tou mei day lu you ni Hero: lovin you ka zu ma day mo zu zu yi day lu lovin you kill me wo yi day da lovin you da wu ma yi mou ka ma la zu ni lovin you ka ga ya ya day dou you lovin you you may wo mi day da ~ ~ ~ ~ you deserve歌词中文翻译 You deserve that love, oh love, oh yeah What's going through your mind I don't get it You insist on running away Like you don't see potential How can I get ya? So you ain't got a man, no ment (?) But you can help me prehend If there was other circumstances I could understand I'm going hard Making moves, doing everything Tryna get you to open up the door for me Cuz you're only a few steps away from being Brandon Beal - You Deserve Wifed up, being treated like a beauty queen All I need is an open opportunity Cuz baby, I can see that You deserve someone that loves you You deserve a love that won't go away Baby, you should let me show you I can show you more than what I can say I'm willing to give my heart to you Baby, you deserve that love I know that you been through your hassle Men telling you r got you, babe? And maybe the first one's out the door But baby, I won't let that happen On everything I love, I got you baby Cuz my intentions are to let you know that I I'm going hard Making moves, doing everything Tryna get you to open up the door for me Cuz you're only a few steps away from being Wifed up, being treated like a beauty queen All I need is an open opportunity Cuz baby, I can see that You deserve someone who loves you You deserve a love that won't go away Baby, you should let me show you Cuz I can show you more than what I can say I'm willing to give my heart to you Cuz baby, you deserve that love Let me treat you like the superstar you are Cuz the love I have can't be repaid Just love you the way you are (?) Cuz all I see right now, is you up in my life And as long as you're there I won't s until you're here with me You deserve someone that loves you, loves you, hey You deserve a love that won't go away Baby, you should let me show you Cuz I can show you more than what I can say I'm willing to give my heart to you You deserve someone that loves you, that loves you, yeah Baby, you should let me show you Cuz I can show you more than what I can say I'm willing to give my heart to you Baby, you deserve that love, oh love, yeah Baby, you deserve that love, oh love, oh You deserve the best All the finer things So surrender all, baby girl You should be with me Ain't no holding back Baby, where it's at It's right here It's right here You deserve the best All the finer things So surrender all, baby girl You should be with me Ain't no holding back Baby, where it's at (fade out) 你应该得到的爱,爱哦,哦耶 这是怎么回事通过你的心 我不明白 你坚持逃跑 就像你没有看到潜在的 我怎样才能获得亚? 所以,你是不是有一个人,也就没评论(?) 但你可以帮助我理解 如果有其他情况 我可以理解 我会努力 制作动作,尽一切 Tryna让你为我开启大门 只因为你是一个正数步之遥 布兰登比尔 - 你应得 Wifed起来,被当作一个选美皇后 所有我需要的是一个开放的机遇 婴儿的Cuz,我可以看到, 有人说,你应该爱你 你应该得到一份爱,不会消失 宝贝,你应该让我告诉你 我可以告诉你比我能说什么 我愿意给你我的心 宝贝,你应得的爱 我知道你通过你的麻烦了 男子告诉你??了你,宝贝? 也许是第一个的出了门 但是亲爱的,我不会让这种情况发生 对一切我爱,我得到了你,宝贝 我的Cuz意图是让你知道我 我将努力使移动,尽一切 Tryna让你为我开启大门 只因为你是一个正数步之遥 Wifed起来,被当作一个选美皇后 所有我需要的是一个开放的机遇 婴儿的Cuz,我可以看到, 谁值得你爱你的人 你应该得到一份爱,不会消失 宝贝,你应该让我告诉你 因为我能告诉你比我能说什么 我愿意给你我的心 婴儿的Cuz,你应该得到的爱 让我这样对待你是你的超级明星 我的爱的Cuz无法偿还 只要你爱你的方式是(?) 我所看到的Cuz现在,是你在我的生活 只要你在那里 我不会停止,直到你在我身边 有人说,你应该爱你,爱你,嘿 你应该得到一份爱,不会消失 宝贝,你应该让我告诉你 因为我能告诉你比我能说什么 我愿意给你我的心 有人说,你应该爱你,爱你,耶 宝贝,你应该让我告诉你 因为我能告诉你比我能说什么 我愿意给你我的心 宝贝,你应得的那份爱,爱情啊,是啊 宝贝,你应得的那份爱,爱情哦,哦 你应该得到最好的 所有的美好事物 因此,交出所有,女婴 你应该和我在一起 不是没有退缩 宝贝,那里的在 这是在这里 这是在这里 你应该得到最好的 所有的美好事物 因此,交出所有,女婴 你应该和我在一起 不是没有退缩 宝贝,那里的在 (淡出)