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一寸光阴一寸金,寸金难买寸光阴的英文:An inch of time is an inch of gold, an inch of gold can't buy an inch of time inch 读法 英 [ɪn(t)ʃ] 美 [ɪntʃ] 1、n. 英寸;身高;少许 2、vt. 使缓慢地移动 3、vi. 慢慢前进 短语: 1、every inch 彻底 2、inch by 逐渐地;一步一步地 3、square inch 平方英寸 4、inch by inch 逐渐地 5、within an inch of 差一点 扩展资料一、inch的用法: 1、inch用作名词时,一般为可数名词,表示“英寸(略作in.)”,也可表示距离、程度等的“少许,一点”,一般用单数,还可作“身高,材料”解,此时常用复数。 2、every inch意思是“完全,彻底”, by inches意思是“只差一点儿,渐渐地”,to an inch的意思是“精确地,丝毫不差地”,within an inch of意思是“差点儿”,这些短语在句中常用作表语。 3、inch用作名词时意思为“英寸”,用作动词时则表示“一英寸一英寸地缓慢地移动”。inch用于比喻也可指物价等抽象事物“缓慢变化”。 4、inch可用作及物动词接简单宾语,也可用作不及物动词。 二、inch的近义词:height height 读法 英 [haɪt] 美 [haɪt] 作名词的意思是:高地;高度;身高;顶点 短语: 1、maximum height 最大高度 2、full height 全高度;由楼面至天花板 3、height measurement 高程测量;测高 4、height of water 水柱高度;水位;水位落差 5、peak height 峰高

Nine Inch Nails的《Closer》 歌词

Nine Inch Nails的《Closer》 歌词

歌曲名:Closer 歌手:Nine Inch Nails 专辑:greatest hits Closer Nine Inch Nails The Downward Spiral You let me violate you You let me desecrate you You let me penetrate you You let me complicate you Help me... I broke apart my insides Help me... I've got no soul to tell Help me... the only thing that works for me Help me get away from myself, I wanna fuck you like an animal I wanna feel you from the inside I wanna fuck you like an animal My whole existence is flawed You got me closer to God You can have my isolation... You can have the hate that it brings You can have my absence of faith... You can have my everything Help me... you tear down my reason Help me... it's your sex I can smell Help me... you make me perfect Help me think I'm somebody else I wanna fuck you like an animal I wanna feel you from the inside I wanna fuck you like an animal My whole existence is flawed You got me closer to God Through every forest Above the trees Within my stomach Scraped off my knees I drink the honey, inside your hive... You are the reason I stay alive... http://music.baidu.com/song/23278859

Nine Inch Nails的《Closer》 歌词

Nine Inch Nails的《Closer》 歌词

歌曲名:Closer 歌手:Nine Inch Nails 专辑:Live: And All That Could Have Been Closer Nine Inch Nails The Downward Spiral You let me violate you You let me desecrate you You let me penetrate you You let me complicate you Help me... I broke apart my insides Help me... I've got no soul to tell Help me... the only thing that works for me Help me get away from myself, I wanna fuck you like an animal I wanna feel you from the inside I wanna fuck you like an animal My whole existence is flawed You got me closer to God You can have my isolation... You can have the hate that it brings You can have my absence of faith... You can have my everything Help me... you tear down my reason Help me... it's your sex I can smell Help me... you make me perfect Help me think I'm somebody else I wanna fuck you like an animal I wanna feel you from the inside I wanna fuck you like an animal My whole existence is flawed You got me closer to God Through every forest Above the trees Within my stomach Scraped off my knees I drink the honey, inside your hive... You are the reason I stay alive... http://music.baidu.com/song/10260504